Public Housing Program

Public housing provides decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-to-moderate-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.

Currently Open Waiting List

  • Senior Waiting List- for the Low Income Public Housing Program is open for those who are 62 years of age or older. To apply please contact The Newark Housing Authority here or by calling (302) 366-0826.

Eligibility Requirements

The NHA is required to determine the eligibility status of all applicants applying for Low Income Public Housing. This is based on several factors, which are listed below.

    • Familial status, as per HUD and NHA standards.
    • An income amount within HUD-specified limits (see chart for more information).
    • U.S. citizenship or qualifying immigrant status.
    • Social Security Numbers for all family members.
    • Acceptance of NHA's collection and use of family information on NHA-provided consent forms

Certain behaviors and activities, whether past or present, can negatively impact eligibility, as per NHA and HUD standards.

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If Eligible

Eligible applicants will be placed on the waiting list, in accordance with the date and time the completed application is received, and the NHA's preference(s), if applicable.

The family will be notified in writing upon their placement on the waiting list. Note that a family's placement on the waiting list does not automatically guarantee them public housing, and the NHA must verify their eligibility, preferences and suitability for the program before full acceptance.

Families are assigned housing as per bedroom size to family size ratios determined by the NHA and HUD (see table for more information.) A family may request a smaller dwelling, however, they will be required to reside in the dwelling for at least two years after arrival, and the size of their dwelling compared to their family size must not violate overcrowding standards and local codes.


If Ineligible

The NHA reserves the right to determine an application ineligible, based on NHA and HUD standards. If a family is ineligible for Low Income Public Housing, they will be notified in writing within 14 days of their application being received. The notice will detail reasons for ineligibility, as well as the procedure for requesting an informal hearing.

Click the button below to view our Low Income Public Housing Policy - ACOP

2024 Occupancy Standards

Bedroom Size Minimum Number of Persons Maximum Number of Persons

2024 Income Limits

Family Size L30 Extremely Low L50 Very Low L80 Low